A common situation we deal with is this:
"I never received an email about (my password, my purchase, the latest offer)."
- Please note: If you would like to change your email address that your membership is registered to, just contact us and let us know what the old email was and what you wish to change to. support@happilyhooked.com
What often happens is our first message sent by our automated system will end up in spam, a member will then email us asking about it, and our reply back to the member will then ALSO end up in spam. It’s quite a frustrating situation, for all of us. But often it’s the result of the member not checking their own spam folder.
Our member database keeps the entire history of emails sent, and we can look up whether any particular message was sent, to whom, and when. 99% of the time, that "missing" message absolutely was sent, but our system has it listed as unopened, which means our member never saw it.
It could be because you once upon a time inadvertently reported us for sending spam by clicking a wrong button when you went to close your email. But it’s OFTEN a result of over-zealous filtering by each individual email provider. They are able to make up their own rules as to what they allow through to their users’ inboxes, and there is nothing we can do to combat their algorithms.
This means that you won’t see any of the emails we send to you in your inbox... like Courtney's terrific Friday emails and Margaret's fabulous Monday newsletters... and the new issue release emails. You also won’t see renewal reminders, or notices of special promotions, or updates to your account. All of those messages are being blocked from your inbox and instead relegated to the spam dumping ground.
Email addresses with rr.com; roadrunner.com; aol.com; sbcglobal.net; hotmail.com; protonmail.com; and a handful of others are especially difficult to work with, and label everything we try to send through our system as “spam”, and also often send our personal replies there as well. We recommend that you provide us with an alternate email address so you don't miss out on anything going on in the Happily Hooked community. Gmail addresses are especially nice to use, and are free to sign up for. Create a Gmail Account Here.
While, of course, we are always happy to help track down missing information for your Happily Hooked account, everybody needs to be aware of how to check their spam folder. Important things do end up there... pretty regularly!
I check my spam folder every day. I have found numerous important things that have gotten misdirected there- like confirmation messages from purchases, special sales from my favorite stores, messages from my insurance company, even messages from my own son (with pictures of my baby grandson!), all in my spam folder.
- The first thing to do is to check your spam or junk folder! Chances are, the message you are looking for is there... along with others. It’s a thing every email user needs to do regularly, since those messages don’t end up in the same mailbox like physical junk mail does.
- The second thing to do is to check your mail quota. It's a thing! Yahoo and Gmail and all other email providers have a set amount of storage space. If you aren't deleting old messages, that space gets full, and then you won't receive any new messages.... from anybody!
- This error message was recently received when we tried to email a member:
Your message couldn't be delivered to xxx. Their inbox is full, or it's getting too much mail right now. 452 4.2.2 The email account that you tried to reach is over quota. Please direct the recipient to https://support.google.com/ |
- Of course, how can we "direct the recipient" when we can't send them any messages?
- The third thing to do is to Whitelist us. That means telling your email provider that you actually DO want to receive emails from us!
We do not have any control over whether our emails end up in spam. And, we can’t tell your email provider that we’re a “safe sender”, it is something that must be done by the recipient. Our emails come from the domain HappilyHooked.com (ie: Support@Happilyhooked.com ; Hi@HappilyHooked.com; Courtney@HappilyHooked.com ; among others). We do also use a couple gmail addresses to try to communicate with members (TheHappilyHookedTeam@gmail.com ; TheCrochetHelpTeam@gmail.com)
Each individual email provider sets up their system slightly differently, but the following information should help you find it, even if your specific provider is not listed here. Often it requires deliberately logging in to your webmail account online through your provider’s site, not just relying on the inbox you set up on your device.
MSN Hotmail, Outlook.com, Live.com
- Log in to the webmail version of your email account HERE.
- To check your Junk Folder, simply click the Junk folder link on the left.
Yahoo! Mail
- Log in to the webmail version of your email account HERE.
- To check your Spam Folder, simply click the Spam folder on the left. [You may need to click ‘more’ to see it]
AOL Mail
The Spam Folder uses special icons to indicate each message type, such as e-mail from bulk senders or e-mail from people you don’t know. It also displays the date the e-mail was received, the sender’s e-mail address, and the e-mail’s subject line.
To check the spam folder:
- Sign on to the AOL® webmail service HERE.
- Click the Mail menu, then click Spam Folder.
- Your Spam Folder will open and display a list of any messages designated as spam.
- Log into your Gmail webmail account HERE.
- If the Spam folder does not appear on the left, click the “more” option just above contacts
- Select Spam to view messages in the spam folder
- ALSO be sure to check the PROMOTIONS tab! Check below for more info about that quirk of gmail!
- https://knowledgebase.constantcontact.com/articles/KnowledgeBase/6657-get-your-email-into-gmails-primary-tab?lang=en_US
Apple me.com, iCloud.com, mac.com
- Log into your iCloud webmail account HERE.
- Select Junk/Spam to view messages in the spam folder
- Search for and select the email falsely marked as spam and click ‘Not Junk’ in the notification bar.
Whitelisting a sender is supposed to help make sure that messages from a specific email address are always sent to your email inbox. Usually, if you find a message in spam first, you can open that message and indicate right there that the message isn’t spam. That should add the sender’s email address to your safe sender list. But please see more details here.
MSN Hotmail, Outlook.com, Live.com
Add the From address you want to receive mailings from to your MSN Hotmail, Outlook.com, Live.com Safe List:
- Open your mailbox HERE and go to Settings then Options (upper right hand corner).
- Under the “Junk E-Mail” section, you’ll see “Safe Senders”.
- Click the “Safe Senders” link.
- Add our email sending addresses or domain (HappilyHooked.com) into the dialog box.
- Click the “Add” button next to the dialog box.
Tip: If the mailing is in your “Junk E-Mail Folder”, open the email and click the “Not Junk” button.
Note: You should also check that the mailing’s email address is not in your Blocked Senders list. You can find your Blocked Senders list by following the directions above and going to “Blocked Senders List” instead of “Safe List”. If you see the mailing’s from address on this list, select it and click the Remove button.
Yahoo! Mail
Set up a filter to redirect the mailing you want to receive in your inbox:
- Open your mailbox HERE and click on “Settings” (upper right hand corner).
- Then select “More Settings” and then “Filters” on the left hand side.
- Click the “Add” button on the Filters page.
- In the “From header:” row, make the drop down “contains” and put our email sending addresses in the box.
- At the bottom of the page Click the “Choose Folder” pull down menu and select “Inbox”.
- Click the “Save Filter” button.
Tip: If the mailing is in your Yahoo Spam Folder open the email and click the “Not Spam” button.
Note: You should also check that the mailing’s email address is not in your “Blocked Addresses” list. You can find your “Blocked Addresses” list by clicking “Settings” then “More Settings” and then “Security & Privacy” on the left hand side. If you see the mailing’s from address on this list, select it and click the “Remove Block” button.
AOL Mail
Add the “From address” you want to receive mailings from to your AOL address book:
- Click the “Mail Options” menu and select “Address Book”.
- Inside the “Address Book” window, click the “Add” button.
- Inside the “Address Card for New Contact” window add our email sending addresses [or the domain HappilyHooked.com] you want to whitelist in the “Other E-Mail” field.
- Make our From address the “Primary E-Mail” address by checking the associated check box to the right of it.
- Click the “Save” button.
To make sure Gmail never filters as spam mail from a certain contact or domain:
- Click the Settings gear icon on the top right in Gmail.
- Choose “Settings” in the menu and then select “Filters & Blocked Addresses” along the top.
- If there’s a list scroll to the bottom and click “Create a new filter”.
- Type our email sending addresses under From:
- The click ‘Create Filter from Address’ and choose “Never Send To Spam” then save by clicking “Create Filter”
Apple me.com, iCloud.com, mac.com
To make sure any Apple webmail never filters our email as spam:
- Log into your iCloud webmail account HERE.
- Click the ‘Actions/Settings’ gear icon, usually in the sidebar
- Click ‘Add a Rule’
- Set the filter, if a message is from our email sending addresses then move to your inbox.
- Click ‘Done’