Login trouble can be caused by a number of things:

Here's some help from our Super-Tech David:

He has done some technical upgrades over the past few weeks, and you will likely need to clear your device's cache.

You might need to clear your browser's cache and cookies:

I was having a "520 error" problem for a bit. It ended up being that I needed to clear my browser cache and cookies, after I did that everything was fine. 

OR you might see a really weird login screen like this:

I had to use google to find instructions on how to do that for my particular device, you might need to do that as well. This is the article I found helpful: https://its.uiowa.edu/support/article/719

Click the lock icon showing in the browser search bar:

Then Clear the Cookies:

You might be entering the password incorrectly.


Passwords are case sensitive and must be entered exactly.

Often, devices automatically capitalize the first letter, but some don't.

You need to make sure you are using capital and lower case exactly as the password shows.

Need your password sent again?

Just click here to request that! 

And PLEASE be sure to check your spam folder if you don't see that automated message in your inbox! (Some email providers only show your spam if you login to the WEBMAIL site!)

Are you using the wrong email address?


We know, we have dozens of them too and forget which one does what!

Or you may have made a typo on the order form, we've done that too.

Just give us your full name and any alternate email addresses you might have used and we can track down your membership.

Your membership may have expired.

Access to the Members Site is for current Members only!

Restarting your membership will get you access to everything that was previously in your account.

Or we can send your past issues to your Ravelry library for you if you forgot to save them. Just ask!